The Museum of Science and the Cosmos is a combination of a traditional museum and theme park where the visitor has the opportunity to learn about the laws and principles that govern nature and whose purpose is to bring the discoveries that the study of the study is providing to the public. Universe. Considered the most important science and astronomy museum in the Canary Islands and one of the most important in Spain.
Calle Vía Láctea, sin número, 38200, La Laguna
Teléfono: 922 315 265 / 080
Fax: 922 263 295
Fax: 922 263 295
Horarios: de martes a sábado, de 09:00 a 20:00 horas; domingo, lunes y festivos de 10:00 a 17:00. Cerrado 24, 25 y 31 de diciembre y 1 y 6 de enero.