Ethnographic Park Pirámides de Güímar

From: 6,07

The Guimar Pyramids in the south of Tenerife are a complex of pyramid structures astronomically positioned by the winter and summer solstice. The park offers its visitors a chance to contemplate these amazing constructions, a surprising resemblance of the architecture to those found in Egypt, Cerdena, Sicily, South America and other parts of the world.



The Guimar Pyramids in the south of Tenerife are a complex of pyramid structures astronomically positioned by the winter and summer solstice. The park offers its visitors a chance to contemplate these amazing constructions, a surprising resemblance of the architecture to those found in Egypt, Cerdena, Sicily, South America and other parts of the world. Before embarking upon the journey through the park visitors will enter the Auditorium to watch a film explaining the possible human migrations in remote times and the surprising coincidences between the cultures on both sides of the Atlantic such as Mexico, Perú and Egypt. The documentary also tells the story of the expeditions and adventures of the Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl who was the instigator in the study of the Guimar Pyrmids The park also has a leisure centre, information point, plenty of terraces with views of the sea, gardens of indigenous flowers and a shop. These are just some of the many reasons to visit the park. The museum is located in the stately Chacona House with replicas of sculptures, ceramics, photos, scale models and other important testimonies showing the parallels between the old civilisation on both sides of the Atlantic, the global location of these amazing pyramids and the results obtained by the excavation campaigns. The question as to whether or not there was transoceanic contact between the different cultures invites personal interpretation whilst visiting the museum and the rest of the park. It incorporates an emotional journey through past civilisation that can only be experienced by visiting this park, a definite ‘must-see’ during a visit to Tenerife.

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